About my book This pre-historic version of Demeter & Persephone is significantly different from the usual Classical Greek story which is taught in school, pushing it back at least 1,000 years.
The myth is designed to be read aloud in celebration of the beginning of spring. Insights into goddess mythology, psychology and ancient Minoan culture are also presented throughout the book, which features my original artwork. This book is suitable for English, social studies and drama classes.
“Wonderful, inventive new approach … the reader can become truly involved in the myth.”
“Simply and honestly told as myths should be, the tale of Demeter and Persephone unfolds through dramatic voices — storyteller, the mother goddess and her daughter — with exquisite illustrations and background text. Read aloud and delight!”
“A beautifully illustrated and delightful retelling of the Demeter and Persephone story, in a dramatic, shareable form that will be enjoyed whenever women come together in ritual.”